How to Boost the Speed of Your Wireless Routers?

 If you don’t know what a wireless router is then you must be living under a rock for all this time. It is probably the most important thing present in your home or office right now. A wireless router is responsible to route the Wi-Fi signals to your devices on which you are going to be using the internet. It is the device with antennas that you use to connect with the Wi-Fi. But there are times when you are not getting the speed of internet which you are expecting. There can be many reasons for this issue but if you are facing the same problem then you are not alone. 

We are going to be talking about some of the methods which you can use to boost the speed of your Wi-Fi. So let us not waste anymore time and get right to it. 

Restart your Wireless Router

The first thing you can do is pretty simple and basic. You can start with just restarting your Wi-Fi router. It seems pretty odd thing to do but it really works. Sometimes all your router needs is a little time to breath. If your router is constantly on, then turning it off for a few seconds can do the trick. The power cycle can cause a bit of a problem and it is the best place to start the trouble shooting. This method works most of the time. 

Move the Router

Wi-Fi signals can travel to a certain distance and not too far. There are many good quality Wi-Fi routers which can easily penetrate through walls and furniture. But if you are using the internet on a device which is pretty far away from the router, then it can surely give you speed problems. You need to move the router to a place which is close to you so the signals can reach your device without any hiccup. It is also recommended to keep the router at the very central location of your house, so the signal distribution can be much better. It is never good to place the Wi-Fi router in a corner. This is the reason people use a wireless Wi-Fi repeater in their homes, as it can extend the internet signals to places which are too far for the router alone.

Put a Password on it

Using a Wi-fi internet router without any kind of password is never a good thing. No one misses the opportunity to use free internet and that is for sure. There are people all around you who are waiting to get free Wi-Fi. If your Wireless router does not have a password on it then it is prone to be attacked by a number of nosy people. The more clients are connected to your device the slower your speed will be. So put a password on your device so only you can use the internet and it will definitely give you much better speed and quality. 

Extend the Signals

There is one more thing which you can do and that is to extend the Wi-Fi signals of your router. You will be needing the help of a wireless Wi-Fi repeater. These devices are extenders and boosters for your wireless internet signals. A Wi-Fi booster or Wi-Fi extender basically extends the reach and range of your Wi-Fi signals. It takes in the signals from your router and then throws it to a much more distance, so you can use the internet even if you are at a place where you cannot get Wi-Fi signals. It is pretty easy to find a best Wi-Fi booster or a cheap Wi-Fi extender in UK. You can pick the one which suits your needs and your budget. 

Upgrade Your Internet Connection

Well, if you have tried everything and nothing seems to work, then the final option left for you is to just upgrade your internet connection. Maybe you are using an internet which is generally slow. Contact your service provider and check the speed of your internet connection. Upgrade to a faster internet connection and you will be good to go. 

Final Word

Well, there you have it. These were the simple and easy methods to boost the speed of your wireless router. We recommend that you buy a Wi-Fi booster or a Wi-Fi extender to maximize the speed and reach of your internet signals. 

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